
Located in South Korea, is the largest man-made surf park in the world.
It offers barrels, bigger and longer waves in a wider variety than any other surf parks.

In a post Covid-19 situation, Wave Park wants to:
– Raise awareness of the park and the new trend of man-made surf parks in South Korea and globally.
– Maximize interest in water-based recreational activities, targeting everyone from beginners and non-swimmers to amateur and pro-surfers.

Wave Lag - Film

Remember that residual floating feeling you had after a whole day at a waterpark?

Now at Wave Park, with longer and bigger waves, you will surely experience the higher level of that lingering buoyant sensation after spending a day here, even when you’re out and about, doing your usual daily chores and routines.
We’re calling this phenomenon “Wave Lag” - derived from the word “Jet Lag”, used to describe that “hangover” feeling after returning from Wave Park. 

So, if you come back from our Wave Park and are experiencing some intense ‘wave lag’, it’s only very normal.  

Copywriter: Hung Nguyen
Designer: Trung Huynh Minh
Visualizer: Anh Tran Tuan

  • A girl is holding a beautiful surfboard to her side. She is smiling and walking to the wave pool at Wave Park.
    We have a brief look at the facilities here: people walking to the surf zone, newbies are being trained at the Surf Village, some people trying the scuba diving zone,...

  • Camera - Masking Transition.
    It turns out she is actually at home and is holding an iron board instead of a surfboard!

  • Realizing that, she feels silly, puts the iron board back and sighs.

  • Cut.
    We see the same girl rubbing wax onto her surfboard at Wave Park. In the surf pool, surfers are enjoying the big waves.

  • Camera - Masking Transition.
    She is actually in her college class, rubbing an eraser on her drawing table while looking out the window.
    She erases so hard the paper starts to tear, and she is rubbing out to the table too. Pens fall down all over her place.

  • Everyone in the class looks at her, puzzled and confused. She realizes what she was doing and stops, feeling a bit foolish.

  • Cut.
    While energetic music is playing at the Surf Stage, our girl is paddling enthusiastically towards a big wave at Wave Park.

  • Camera - Masking Transition.
    In reality, she is paddling strongly while lying face-down on a massage table.
    The masseuse looks at her speechless, not entirely clear what is happening. She sees the look on the masseuse and stops the strange paddling, also feeling silly and embarrassed.

  • Cut.
    Now at Wave Park, she has already caught a perfect wave. She puts her hand on the surfboard, pushes and hops on it, getting into her wave riding moves.

  • She rides elegantly into the barrel, her eyes close as she is enjoying it.

  • Camera - Masking Transition.
    It turns out she is in her yoga class.
    Everyone is practising the Cobra pose (supporting their body with their arms, back bending backwards).

    They then turn to look at her, now still enjoying her “dream” with her eyes closed, and standing in a wave surfing pose, everyone is bewildered. It takes a while until she realizes she was being strange and stops her surfing pose, embarrassed.

  • The screen blurs.

    White Super appears on the screen with VO: Wave Lag. It’s only normal

More Waves, More Fun - Print

A straight path is the fastest, but the one with many bends brings fun.
The more curves a picture has, the more cheerful it feels.
The wavier your heart rate line is, the happier you are (you know, as compared to a straight line). 

Simply adding some waves into life could make you happy. Now, imagine so many more at Wave Park.

Copywriter: Hung Nguyen
Designer: Trung Huynh Minh


BTW, I got the idea when I came across this picture by my GF. Thank her very much for the inspiration.


The Oversurfed Board - OOH

When you surf, you stand on the surfboard. The board bears your weight.
The more you surf, the longer you stand on the board. The more the board “suffers”.
So with around 1,000 perfect waves an hour, after one day at the Wave Park, holy moly, poor little board.

Copywriter: Hung Nguyen
Designer: Ky Nguyen Cao


The Perfect Waves for even the Imperfect Surfers - (Creative Solution)

Why do surfing ads always show professional-looking surfers doing cool tricks?
If I, an unfit person with no skills nor wetsuit, want to try surfing at the Wave Park, those images say I’m out of the league.

This strategy aims to change that stereotypical image and bring surfing closer to everyone, even those who seem not built for it.

Copywriter: Hung Nguyen
Designer: Trung Huynh Minh
Visualizer: Nhi Vo


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